A Homegrown Family
A Midwestern farm boy and his family members and friends discuss anything homegrown. From gardening, beekeeping, mushroom hunting, hard cider and maple syrup to their adventures in raising children and homeschooling all the while sharing his life story.
A Homegrown Family
Winter Orchard Activities - Apples
Joseph Mettler
Season 1
Episode 28
No, you won’t get the same apple tree to grow by planting its seeds, and yes there is such a thing as a Frankenstein tree. This episode is a continuation of Episode 27 as my brother David and I discuss winter orchard activities when it comes to apples: rootstock, scion wood and pruning.
Maple Valley Orchards – source of rootstock and scion
How to Prune Apple Trees - YouTube Video
Apple Pruning Workshop - Fargo
Email: ahomegrownfam@gmail.com
Instagram: ahomegrownfam