A Homegrown Family

Sourdough - Just Bake It with Michelle Sevigny

Joseph Mettler Season 1 Episode 40

The year COVID began sparked new interests and hobbies for many people. For Michelle, it was baking sour dough loaves. Pick up some of the basics and learn more about sour dough starters, discard, feeding, hooch, ratios, peak, banneton and other terminology of the sour dough community here in this episode. If you have any questions about sourdough just email Michelle at michellebsevigny@gmail.com If we get enough questions we’ll bring Michelle back for a little Q&A. Don’t over-think it, just bake it!

Resources brought to you by Michelle:

·         Maintaining Your Sourdough Starter

·         Feeding and Maintaining Your Sourdough Starter

·          NYT Sourdough Recipe

·         Make Beautiful Sourdough with Claire Saffitz


Email: ahomegrownfam@gmail.com

Instagram: ahomegrownfam

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